Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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From the shackles of the birds, flying out of the cage,nfl t-shirt, extends to the vast world of the outside world.
At this moment, I am clearly just tottering out of the buds, the spirits of the soldiers sweat of hard training martial arts, outside the city thought the desolate barren cactus to absorb nutrients through deep root accountable to the earth ...
Feel like the wings of thousands of miles Dapeng flutter fly flying above the nine days, overlooking the vast land of trance, I fly higher and higher, flew above the clouds, it is the only clouds Wonderland. I suddenly accelerated, and all become so blurred, The small blue planet, a different type of beautiful and aloof so that I unconsciously shed tears of cold.
I thank God for the body's infuriating along with my three nights), the tremendous energy of the hard-won, have all been converted to a spiritual force. the only good news is, I did not lose the martial arts, compared to close to the magic power of tiny infuriating derivatives to grow slowly. finally back on me that long to feel, I feel it both familiar and foreign. do not know it was hiding my body out of control 18 days, was able to escape to be converted into the spiritual power of fate, but regardless of how should a good thing,green bay packers jerseys, because the ancient hui to see my first sentence was actually: Mirror, and even I almost did not recognize the body than the original but also tall and stout nearly doubled, Chun Wai, unadorned appearance, skin as smooth and transparent like the best marble, almost mad with envy, especially lead a lot of attention, like a perfect pair of natural diamonds deep dark eyes, revealing a strong and boundless self-confidence and the tyrannical matchless strength. face languid expression, all nonchalant look, I am afraid it is all dark blue beauty killer, right?
is Geshu residual tender. In fact, our appearance is completely different, but the same temperament, and simply can not tell the authenticity of, perhaps, two speculated are real.

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